Thursday, October 16, 2008


  1. No matter where we are or what we are shopping for the one thing we always need is a SHOPPING BAG. Some have argued that paper bags are much better than plastic but the truth is NEITHER ONE is good for our planet.
  2. THE TRUTH ABOUT PLASTIC BAGS: Large quantities of oil and energy must be utilized in order to make the plastic bags we all use at the stores. A major issue with plastic bags is that they are not bio-degradable and therefore, are not really recyclable. One of the biggest concerns is the damage that these plastic bags can do to animals and wildlife if improperly disposed of.

THE TRUTH ABOUT PAPER BAGS: Though these are easier to recycle please do not forget about all of the millions of trees that are destroyed in old growth areas and rainforests in order to make paper bags. So what's the alternative you ask?...


You may have seen these bags at all of tehlocal stores such as Wal-Mart, Publix, Walgreens, Target, etc. These bags can be obtained for the low cost of $0.99 but if all of usbegan to utilize these instead of paper or plastic we would be making such a big difference. Saving trees, wildlife, energy, oil, and even reducing waste. And if fashion is an issue they come in a variety of colors!

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